Babble About Uranus
Hello, I'm Sligo from the planet you know as Uranus, and this is my terrestrial Website. Having visited Earth for nearly a decade now, I have decided to share with my human friends, acquaintances, abductees, probies and whatever category you might fall in, what life is like in my homeland -- the seventh planet from the sun.
Uranus is a wonderful place -- well, aside from the fact that it is mostly an ocean of water, liquid ammonia and methane -- no, that part is not very nice at all, but the people are very nice. Yes, you won't find a better lot of people anywhere in the galaxy, or a better lot of people living in an ocean of water, liquid ammonia and methane at any rate.
Anyway, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax and let me bring the joys of Uranus to you.