Sligo's History of Uranus

altIn the beginning there was Uranus. No one is quite sure how it got here or where it came from. Some say Uranus formed out of primordial gasses when the universe was young, others that some mystical entity named AIMG 358 created it out of a giant ball of Jell-O, and still others say that there is no Uranus at all, Uranus, they say, is all just a figment of the imagination, and a very bad one at that. But whatever you believe, except for the last one, there is a Uranus, and this is the History of its people.

Not much is known about the early history of Uranus, however, from what I have been able to piece together from various documentaries, movies, video games, and museums, I've seen parts of, is that Uranus was a wonderful place. In philosophy, science, mathematics, and technology Uranus was unequaled in the galaxy. It was a true utopia overseen by the most intelligent species ever known, the Nenagh.

It had taken millions of years and great hardships, but at last the Nenagh had constructed the perfect society. Everyone was happy. Everyone was prosperous. And everyone had time to contemplate the deep philosophic questions of existences. It was a utopia that could last forever, except for one minor problem.

In their struggle to build the perfect society the Nenagh had caused some great environmental damage to Uranus, which they were starting to rectify. And they were doing a good job, as always, at it. They were cleaning up Uranus quite nicely. However, in the case of the Island of the Great Volcano, the were doing too good a job.

Rising out from the center of the Great Methane Sea was the Great Volcano of Uranus. An Island similar in size to Ireland but with a giant, active volcano in its center. From the rocky shore of the Island the ground sloped upward, ever increasingly, until it reached the fiery summit of the Great Volcano. It was a barren and rocky island prone to sudden lava flows that burned everything in sight. It was a harsh environment. However there was one animal that lived here, a small creature about one meter tall, green with purple spots, big ears and a pudgy, frog like appearance.

To be continued...

Sligo's History of Uranus

altIn the beginning there was Uranus. No one is quite sure how it got here or where it came from. Some say Uranus formed out of primordial gasses when the universe was young, others that some mystical entity named AMIG 358 created it out of a giant ball of Jell-O, and still others say that there is no Uranus at all, Uranus, they say, is all just a figment of the imagination, and a very bad one at that. But whatever you believe, except for the last one, there is a Uranus, and this is the History of its people.

Not much is known about the early history of Uranus, however, from what I have been able to piece together from various documentaries, movies, video games, and museums, I've seen parts of, is that Uranus was a wonderful place. In philosophy, science, mathematics, and technology Uranus was unequaled in the galaxy. It was a true utopia overseen by the most intelligent species ever known, the Nenagh.

It had taken millions of years and great hardships, but at last the Nenagh had constructed the perfect society. Everyone was happy. Everyone was prosperous. And everyone had time to contemplate the deep philosophic questions of existences. It was a utopia that could last forever, except for one minor problem.

In their struggle to build the perfect society the Nenagh had caused some great environmental damage to Uranus, which they were starting to rectify. And they were doing a good job, as always, at it. They were cleaning up Uranus quite nicely. However, in the case of the Island of the Great Volcano, the were doing too good a job.

Rising out from the center of the Great Methane Sea was the Great Volcano of Uranus. An Island similar in size to Ireland but with a giant, active volcano in its center. From the rocky shore of the Island the ground sloped upward, ever increasingly, until it reached the fiery summit of the Great Volcano. It was a barren and rocky island prone to sudden lava flows that burned everything in sight. It was a harsh environment. However there was one animal that lived here, a small creature about one meter tall, green with purple spots, big ears and a pudgy, frog like appearance.

To be continued...

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